Tuesday 8 March 2022
14:00 – 15:00
We are pleased to invite our members to a webinar led by Simon Bradley, Founder of Simon Bradley Marketing Consultancy, on “Attracting the New American Consumer”.
The Covid pandemic has been the catalyst for some fundamental changes in the way US consumers think, behave and ultimately perceive tourism destinations and travel suppliers. As the UK travel industry looks to rebuild its most important international market, understanding how the American consumer has changed over the last two years will be vital. In this one hour webinar, Simon Bradley will share his insights about the new American consumer along with some examples of destinations and suppliers that are getting it right in the post-Covid world.
Simon runs a New York based travel and tourism consultancy and has over 25 years’ marketing experience in the UK, North America, Europe, and Latin America. His previous positions include The Madison Square Garden Company, Virgin Atlantic and VisitBritain, where he was EVP Americas for four years. Simon is also a Professor at New York University and leads master’s programs in Trends in Travel and Tourism and Integrated Marketing.
Please note that this webinar will NOT be recorded so we encourage you to share this invitation with any colleagues who may be interested, or if you are unable to attend.