Thursday 17 November 2022
17:00 – 17:50*

UKinbound is pleased to invite our buyer members to the Gladstone’s Land Fam Trip hosted by National Trust for Scotland taking place on Thursday 17 November 2022, right before our Regional Members’ Networking Evening taking place at the Virgin Hotels Edinburgh.

Gladstone’s Land takes its name from Thomas Gladstone who purchased the 6 storey tenement in the heart of Edinburgh’s Old Town in 1617. It’s been a commercial and social hub for more than 500 years, and witnessed momentous social and political change as well as war, fire and disease. The property has played host to a wide range of businesses and tradespeople, from spirit dealers to shoemakers, bakers to boarding-house keepers, and drapers to dairymen. The goods made and sold at Gladstone’s Land give a fascinating insight into the inhabitants and their daily lives. Their incredible stories and history can be discovered in the immersive visitor experience, including the sights, sounds and smells, in a journey spanning three centuries.

During your visit, your host for the day will share with you stories of the real people who lived here as you explore rooms depicting life in Edinburgh from the 1600s to the 1900s. You will be also  provide an update on unique experiences, including:

  • Tables Through Time
  • Intimate Lives, A History of Sex and Desire in Edinburgh
  • The History of Tea

*Please note that content, timings and format may be subject to change.

Venue: Gladstone’s Land – 477B Lawnmarket Royal Mile Edinburgh EH1 2NT

How to book: An invitation has been sent to members, if you haven’t received it and would like to register for this event, please contact the team at [email protected].

Please note, that places are very limited for this event, and therefore will be allocated on a first-come, first served basis. Please note that places are restricted to ONE representative per buyer members company. If more than one person register from the same company, the additional booking will be added to a waiting list. If this is the case with your booking, we will let you know that you have been added to the waiting list and that we cannot confirm your place unless we receive some cancellations prior to the event.

This trip is for BUYER members only.