Thursday 27 April 2023
14:30 – 15:30
We are pleased to invite our buyer members to a DMO update led by Visit Wales.
Clare Dwight and Judith Newton will be joined by Visit Wales (VW) colleagues Stephen Nase and Hannah Thomas based in New York to give a Cymru Wales update including a focus on the North American Market. Paul Brandwood from The Royal Mint will join VW to share what’s new for them in 2023.
He will introduce their new ‘Bespoke & Historically Yours’ tailor-made packages, designed to add an extra sparkle to your South Wales Itineraries when combined in one enjoyable and enriching experience. Also, as 2023 is the year of The Coronation they are excited to share some fantastic updates to celebrate this mementos occasion.
How to book: An invitation has been sent to members, if you haven’t received it and would like to register for this event, please contact the team at [email protected].
This virtual event is for UKinbound buyer members only and free to attend. If multiple colleagues from the same company wish to join please register each one separately to ensure they receive the correct link and joining instructions.
The webinar will be recorded so if you are unable to attend please let us know and we will share the recording and presentation with you.