Visit Moray Speyside launch Taste of Moray Speyside

Taste of Moray Speyside
Taste of Moray Speyside

Visit Moray Speyside has launched the of Taste of Moray Speyside, a brand new food and drink trail and website celebrating the culinary delights of Moray Speyside.

The circular route spans 180 miles and visits 24 picturesque towns and villages scattered throughout the region. With 58 food and drink businesses waiting to be discovered, the new trail and website is a must for anyone looking for a culinary experience.

From world-famous whiskies to fresh seafood sourced from the Moray Firth, the region offers a diverse range of delectable experiences. With the new trail, visitors can now embark on their very own culinary adventure through the captivating landscapes of Moray Speyside as they meet passionate producers, sample exquisite beverages, and indulge in culinary creations that showcase the region’s diverse offerings.

Click here to find out more about Visit Moray Speyside.
