AbdulMaalik Tailor promotes inclusive Halal Tourism

Halal Tourism Britain
Halal Tourism Britain

AbdulMaalik Tailor, the founder of Halal Tourism Britain, delivered a speech at the 3rd International Halal Tourism Congress held in Izmir, Turkey. In his address, Tailor highlighted Britain’s diverse Muslim heritage and the evolving trends in tour guiding, marking a significant contribution to the global dialogue on Halal tourism.

As Britain’s first professionally qualified Muslim tour guide, Tailor has established himself as an authority on Halal tourism and a globally recognised expert. During his speech, he questioned the current narrow definition of Halal tourism, which often focuses solely on Halal food and Muslim prayers. He advocated for a more inclusive approach that encompasses the rich Muslim heritage present in various countries including western non-Muslim countries like Britain.

Tailor said, “Halal tourism should not be limited to dietary laws and prayer facilities. It must include the cultural and historical contributions of Muslims to truly enrich the experience for travellers who are not even Muslims.”

Tailor emphasised the importance of integrating cultural and historical aspects into Halal tourism to provide a more comprehensive and enriching experience for travellers. His insights aim to broaden the scope of Halal tourism, making it more diverse and representative of the Muslim community’s contributions and history around the world.

Click here to discover more about Halal Tourism Britain.
