In the 2016 Autumn Statement the Government announced that HMRC was taking forward plans to modernise the VAT...continue reading

In the 2016 Autumn Statement the Government announced that HMRC was taking forward plans to modernise the VAT...continue reading
In June this year, the Government pledged to make the UK the most accessible destination in Europe by...continue reading
UKinbound has released its latest Business Barometer results, highlighting the measures tourism businesses are putting in place to...continue reading
The Centre for Social Justice (CSJ) have published their thoughts and recommendations on the future of immigration policy...continue reading
The Department for Transport has published a call for evidence on Carbon Offsetting in Transport. The focus of...continue reading
The Environmental Audit Select Committee has launched an inquiry into Sustainable Tourism and is seeking written evidence by...continue reading
The Government has published a report, which includes its response to feedback received from key industry bodies, businesses,...continue reading
UKinbound has welcomed Boris Johnson as the new Prime Minister. Chief executive officer Joss Croft comments: “Last month’s...continue reading
UKinbound is currently gathering detailed information and evidence on EU salary and skill levels across the UK via...continue reading
UKinbound warmly welcomes today’s announcement that Government has awarded the UK tourism industry a Sector Deal as part...continue reading