Attractions Round Table Discussion


We are pleased to invite you to join our Attractions roundtable to discuss the key challenges and issues facing the sector, share best practice ideas and what your business needs to ensure long-term success.

Moderated by Rob Way, Sales and Marketing Director of The Tourism Media Group, this session will provide an overview of current industry trends and best practice.

Bernard Donoghue, Director of The Association of Leading Visitor Attractions will set the scene and share top lessons attractions have learned from the last year and how they will inform attractions’ reopening and recovery plans and future business.

Andrea Nicholas, Green Tourism will provide expert advice on ways to make your business recovery plan and re-opening more sustainable.

 Wednesday 5 May 2021
Time: 10:30 – 11:45

Book your place now!

This virtual event is free and exclusively for UKinbound and ALVA ATTRACTION members to attend. To secure your place, please follow the link above to register – if multiple colleagues from the same company wish to join please register each one separately to ensure they receive the correct link and joining instructions. An automatic confirmation will be sent out once you have registered – please ensure you check your junk.