Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. and Rainforest Cafe Fam Trip


Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. and Rainforest Cafe
Tuesday 17th May 2018
UKinbound is pleased to invite you to our next Fam Trip kindly hosted by Bubba Gump Shrimp Co and Rainforest Cafe.

Let us present you with two of London’s most exciting themed large capacity restaurants located in Piccadilly Circus, which are as different as ‘peas and carrots’ or ‘Tree Frogs and Elephants’.  Both restaurants are the only one of their kind in the  UK,  and offer a unique dining experience.


16:00  Visit to Bubba Gump Shrimp Co and enjoy an exclusive menu tasting session with a movie trivia quiz.  Watching the movie beforehand isn’t compulsory, but there will be a special gift for the most knowledgeable Forrest Gump fan!

17:00  Visit to Rainforest Cafe where you will have the chance to experience their Educational Tour followed by an Exotic Animal Handling session.  In the spirit of Rainforest cafe’s entrepreneurial founder, Steven Schussler; who back in 1991, wowed his investors by turning his own home into a jungle, with a life-sized replica of an elephant and waterfalls; we aim to inspire, educate and entertain you.

18:00  Members Networking Evening at Rainforest Cafe  The perfect opportunity to meet fellow members and create new business contacts over a few drinks.


To book your place, please email [email protected].

Please note that places are limited for this exclusive event, registering your interest does not guarantee you a place.  You will be notified if your place is confirmed shortly after applying.

Please note:  this event is for TOUR OPERATORS ONLY and places limited to one person per member company.