All members are invited to our upcoming Members’ Networking Evening on Thursday 17 October at Jeff Wayne’s The War of The Worlds.
The best-selling album that terrified generations has been transformed into a never-before-seen interactive 110 minute adventure packed with sensory moments, VR and AR technology, volumetric holograms and immersive theatre. Live and virtual actors will lead groups of up to 12 to walk, crawl and travel into the heart of the story from the moment they step inside. The show is split into two-acts and includes a 20 minute interval in the immersive Red Weed Bar where you can enjoy a drink and listen to an extended version of Jeff Wayne’s The Red Weed and The Spirit of Man bar where you can relax and enjoy a lovely cocktail and food.
Before the networking begins, there is an opportunity for members to take part in Jeff Wayne’s The War of The Worlds Immersive Experience! Places are extremely limited, so make sure you register your interest via the booking form below!
Event Details
Date: Thursday 17 October 2019
Time: 18:00 – 20:00
Venue: The Hallmark Building, 52-56 Leadenhall Street, London, London, EC 3M 5JE
The Members’ Networking Evening is a free event for members to attend, network and meet other members. This event is now fully booked, so to add your name to the waiting list please follow the link below!
Please note, places are limited to TWO people per member company.
Due to high demand and the limited availability of Members’ Networking Evenings, UKinbound has implemented a No Show and No Cancellation Policy whereby members who do not attend an event they have signed up for without cancelling will be sanctioned.