Regional Members’ Networking Evening – The Roman Baths


We are pleased to invite you to our upcoming Members’ Networking Evening on Thursday 13 June at The Roman Baths.

The Roman Baths offers visitors a chance to soak up the special atmosphere around the torchlit Great Bath.

The historic site takes on a magical atmosphere once the daylight fades and the flickering torches are lit. Visitors can walk around the Great Bath where people bathed nearly 2,000 years ago, see the ruins of the Temple of Sulis Minerva where Roman worshippers gathered, and wander around the Roman Baths museum. There will also be a pop up prosecco bar every evening for visitors to enjoy a glass of fizz around the spectacular Great Bath.

The Roman Baths have partnered with Around and About Bath to offer a complimentary walking tour before the networking evening. From 18:00, guests will be taken on a short walking tour to see some of the sites that Bath have to offer, before ending back at The Roman Baths for an informal networking drinks around the Great Bath to celebrate the start of the late night summer opening.

Event Details

Date: Thursday 13 June 2019

Time: 18:00* – 21:00

Walking Tour will commence at 18:00.Followed by the networking evening from 19:00.

Walking Tour Meeting Point: Abbey Churchyard, Bath, BA1 1LY

Networking Evening Venue: The Roman Baths, Stall Street, Bath, BA1 1LZ.


The Members’ Networking Evening is a free event for members to attend, network and meet other members.  This event is now fully booked, to add your details to the waiting list,  please follow the link below to Eventbrite!

Please note, places are limited to TWO people per member company.


Book your place now!

With thanks to: