The provisional International Passenger Survey (IPS) data for January to March 2018 has been released, which also give...continue reading
News: Industry News
Cardiff becomes first regional airport to join UKinbound
Cardiff Airport has become the first regional airport to join UKinbound, re-affirming its position as a key gateway...continue reading
The Office for National Statistics have released the 2017 International Passenger Survey (IPS) Regional Data. Scotland saw an...continue reading
Annual Survey of Visits to Visitor Attractions reveals improved performance for historic attractions
VisitBritain and VisitEngland have released the results of their Annual Survey of Visits to Visitor Attractions. The results...continue reading
UKinbound Business Barometer finds low confidence among members despite steady growth
UKinbound’s latest Business Barometer, conducted in collaboration with Qa Research, looks at members’ feedback regarding business performance in...continue reading
IPS data 2017 shows another record breaking year for inbound tourism
The finalised figures from the International Passenger Survey for 2017 have been released, which show another record-breaking year...continue reading
London hotel occupancy shows year-on-year growth for first time since May 2017
Preliminary data from STR for London’s hotel occupancy levels has indicated a year-on-year increase in occupancy for the...continue reading
Tourism APPG Sharing Economy report recommends sharper regulation and more flexible powers
The Tourism All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) has released its final report on the impact of the sharing...continue reading
Government’s Brexit White Paper sets out proposals for future UK-EU relationship
The Government has published its Brexit White Paper, which sets out its proposals for the future relationship between...continue reading
UKinbound welcomes new Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport
UKinbound has written to Jeremy Wright QC to congratulate him on his appointment as Secretary of State for Digital,...continue reading