London Transport Museums play celebrates map designer

The Truth About Harry Beck
The Truth About Harry Beck

London Transport Museum has announced the debut of The Truth About Harry Beck, a new play that delves into the life of the designer behind the iconic London Tube map. The production, written and directed by Andy Burden and presented by the Natural Theatre Company, will run at the Museum’s Cubic Theatre in Covent Garden from 14 September to 10 November 2024, with a national press night scheduled for 18 September at 7:30pm, marking the 50th anniversary of Harry Beck’s death.

The play explores the story of Harry Beck, whose innovative design of the London Underground map transformed urban navigation. Through a blend of real-life accounts, personal anecdotes, and creative interpretation, the production reveals Beck’s passion and the challenges he faced while perfecting his famous map.

Elizabeth McKay, Director and CEO of London Transport Museum stated, “The introduction of this play about Harry Beck is an exciting development for the Museum. Situated in the heart of Covent Garden, we are thrilled to present a production that not only celebrates London’s transport heritage but also brings to light the compelling story of Beck and his revolutionary design. This play offers a fresh perspective on one of London’s most influential figures.”

Andy Burden, the play’s writer and director commented, “The idea for this play was sparked 16 years ago by Ken Garland’s book, Mr Beck’s Underground Map. Ken’s insights into Beck’s dedication were incredibly inspiring. After 14 years of refining the script, I am delighted to present this play at London Transport Museum. It is a fitting tribute to Beck’s legacy and his remarkable creation.”

Full details regarding the cast and creative team will be announced shortly. Tickets for The Truth About Harry Beck are now available for purchase.

Click here to find out more.
