Wicked, London’s musical phenomenon that tells the incredible untold story of the Witches of Oz, has released new...continue reading
News: Professional Services
Discover® Global Network announces partnership with LW Theatres
Discover Global Network has announced a new partnership with LW Theatres. This partnership will enable visitors to London...continue reading
British Guild of Tourist Guides London Blue Badge Course Applications Open
The British Guild of Tourist Guides (BGTG) and London Training have announced that applications are now open for...continue reading
Raileasy launch innovative fundraising scheme
Raileasy have launched a new and innovative way to help charities raise extra funds. The cheaper fares offered...continue reading
C&M Travel Recruitment rebrands for 25th birthday
C&M Travel Recruitment has launched its new website following the most successful year in its history. Aimed at...continue reading
C&M Travel Recruitment reports 131% jump in travel vacancies
C&M Travel Recruitment has reported that new travel job vacancies have increased by 131% in May. Last month’s...continue reading
UKinbound and Guanxi launch New China Welcome Workshop
UKinbound has launched a new series of workshops with specialist Chinese tourism consultancy, Guanxi, to ensure that tourism businesses...continue reading
b2me Tourism Marketing celebrates 20th anniversary
b2me Tourism Marketing has celebrated its 20th anniversary in June with news of two major client wins. NewcastleGateshead...continue reading
Guanxi wins three year contract to represent LNER
Guanxi has retained the contract to represent London North Eastern Railway (LNER) in China, following a competitive pitch....continue reading
Visit West and b2me launch Travel Trade Ready platform
Visit West is working with b2me Tourism Marketing to launch a platform for local tourism businesses to learn about...continue reading