When the UK leaves the European Union, Free Movement between the EU and the UK will end. The...view resource

UKinbound produces and has access to a variety of resources that include our Business Barometer, key industry statistics and reports, event presentations and Government consultations. Most recently we have produced a series of 'how to' videos on topics such as exhibiting at World Travel Market, marketing your tourism business and what tour operators are looking for when selling tourism product.
When the UK leaves the European Union, Free Movement between the EU and the UK will end. The...view resource
When the UK leaves the European Union, Free Movement between the EU and the UK will end. The...view resource
UKinbound members are welcome to use the 2019/20 member logo in email signatures, websites, and other marketing materials.... Please log in or become a member to view this resource
In this edition, you can find out about: • Changes for UK employers sending workers to the EU,...view resource
Provision International Passenger Survey data covering June 2019....view resource
The latest Tourism Statistics 2019 update by Tourism Alliance. All applications have to be submitted by 30th Sept...view resource
Minutes from the Autumn General Meeting held at Warwick Castle.... Please log in or become a member to view this resource
Andre Veiga, Google, gives a presentation about Insights for Travel at the Autumn General Meeting.... Please log in or become a member to view this resource
Ross Calladine, VisitEngland, gives a presentation about Accessible Tourism at the Autumn General Meeting.... Please log in or become a member to view this resource
CEO Updates from Joss Croft at the Autumn General Meeting held at Warwick Castle.... Please log in or become a member to view this resource