UKVI has produced a fact sheet on the performance of its visa services in India....view resource

UKinbound produces and has access to a variety of resources that include our Business Barometer, key industry statistics and reports, event presentations and Government consultations. Most recently we have produced a series of 'how to' videos on topics such as exhibiting at World Travel Market, marketing your tourism business and what tour operators are looking for when selling tourism product.
UKVI has produced a fact sheet on the performance of its visa services in India....view resource
Updated legislation for tourist accommodation
VisitEngland has launched an updated Pink Book which provides guidance for running an accommodation business – from food...view resource
Guidance from the Tourism Alliance on the new Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations, which came into... Please log in or become a member to view this resource
Guidance for businesses from the Department of Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy for the new Package Travel and...view resource
The new Regulations for Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements legislation which came into force 1 July 2018....view resource